Tuesday 15 May 2012

Revenge of the Tide

Title: Revenge of the Tide

Author: Elizabeth Haynes

Number of pages: 344

Started: 10 May 2012

Finished: 15 May 2012

Opening words:

It was there when I opened my eyes, that vague feeling of discomfort, the rocking of the boat signalling the receding tide and the wind from the south, blowing upriver, straight into the side of the Revenge of the Tide.

Plot summary:

Genevieve has finally escaped the stressful demands of her sales job and achieved her dream: to leave London behind and start a new life aboard a houseboat in Kent. But on the night of her boat-warming party the dream is shattered when a body washes up beside the boat, and Genevieve recognises the victim.

As the sanctuary of the boatyard is threatened, and Genevieve s life seems increasingly at risk, the story of how she came to be so out of her depth is unfolded, and Genevieve finds out the real cost of mixing business with pleasure…

What I thought:

This was another enjoyable (again I use that word with some reservations when it comes to her books, given the subject matter) book by Elizabeth Haynes.  It was a decent story that set up an intriguing scenario – a woman living on a boat having given up her jobs in London, sales woman by day, pole dancer by night.

I did think the book was longer than it needed to be - it could have done with moving at a slightly faster pace in places.  The book also was not as good as Haynes debut novel, Into the Darkest Corner, but given all the plaudits that has received, that might not be the easiest to achieve.

It was a very readable book and possibly the reader would benefit from reading this book before Into the Darkest Corner because if you like this one, you then have an even better one to read by then turning to her debut novel.  I am nothing if not full of helpful suggestions…

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